Food Comida Rawl 317 will assemble a shared vision for nourishing and sustaining our Indianapolis food communities. This project is a connector and a way for everyone to understand the diversity of eaters, and experiences in Indianapolis. Using social science based data collection and analysis, Food 317 will be a hub of information gathering, sharing and engagement for individuals and organizations in our food system.
The City of Indianapolis has a vision for an inclusive, sustainable food system where more people have access to the healthy food they need to live, work and play to their full potential; where less people are food insecure and able to purchase food they need for their family; and where food businesses can launch and thrive and find the customers and markets essential for success.
Food 317 is the project that will assemble that vision based on the lived experiences, stories and data gathered from our communities and organizations who serve. It will have a legacy of connecting people from the public, private and nonprofit sectors in a meaningful dialogue for change and sustainability.
Core Organizing Committee
Milele Kennedy, City of Indianapolis
Shellye Suttles, Indiana University
Angela Babb, Indiana University
Jodee Ellett, Indiana University
June Guo, Indiana University
Elissa Booras, Indiana University
Brian Healey, Indiana University
Marie O'Neill, Indiana University
Stephanie Fernhaber, Butler University
Terri Wada, CollaboCreative
Niki Gracia, CollaboCreative
Jessica Bentley, CollaboCreative
Community Advisory Committee
Marcus Agresta, Piazza Produce
Chris Baggott, Tyner Pond Farm, Cluster Truck
Jeremy Baynai, Midwest Food Bank
Victoria Beaty, Growing Places Indy
Jeff Bricker, Ivy Tech Culinary and Brickhouse Vinaigrettes
Clayton DeFur, Central Indiana Community Foundation
Laura Dodds, Purdue Extension Marion County
Daniel Drexler, Indiana Small Business Association
Chris Eley, Smoking Goose, Goose the Market
Kathy Hahn Keiner, Gleaners Food Bank
Jordan Hall, Bon Appetit, Butler University
Tyler Herald, US Foods
Kate Howe, Indy Hunger Network
Sharrona Moore, Indiana Black Farmers Cooperative, Lawrence Community Gardens
Jordan Rodriguez, City of Indianapolis
Lisa Schneekloth, CICOA, Aging and In-home Services
Ryan Thomas, Market Wagon
Tikilia Tinker-Martin, City of Indianapolis
Ashlee Weaver, Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center
Candace Wylie, FoodLoveTog
DEC 2020-FEB 2021
Round 1: Data Collection: Learning from the consumers, organizations and businesses in the Indianapolis Community
MAR-APR 2021
Data analysis
SEP 2021
Round 2: Data Collection: Share findings from Round 1 and convene discussions
OCT 2021
Draft Food Policy Plan Proposal for the City
NOV-DEC 2021
Complete Food Policy Plan Proposal