

Artist: Joni Younkins-Herzog
Title: Vuidea
Dimensions: 8 x 8 x 6 ft
Medium: Steel, rubberized velour, aluminum , screen, tar, silicone, lace, paint Type: Pre-existing, 2018

About the Art

I am a sculptor with a love of materials. Each medium I use poses a challenge to maximize its strengths and inherent design qualities. I enjoy tapping into unusual imagery in my works including large expressive forms that incorporate a sense of organic architecture. My interest in botany and herbalism influence my imagery combined with representing a feminine mystique on a grand scale.

“Vuidaā€¯ is a giant flower that references a woman in mourning. The flower itself is shaped like a morning glory, even mimicking the soft velveteen petals. The stalk becomes a long flowing dress made of black lace, common in many cultures of a mourning veil. The architectural structure is built like a spider web adding to an additional metaphor of a black widow spider with its red stamen. I find flowers to be extremely inspiring and layered with information, in my studio practice I use the flower as a point of departure. The additional metaphors develop during the physical creation of my initial inspiration.

Joni Younkins-Herzog
140B Nantahala Ext.
Athens, GA 30601
[email protected]